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Abu Dhabi Judicial Dept begins Guide Service poste
06 of Apr, 2017

Abu Dhabi Judicial Dept begins Guide Service poste

"The UAE is revamping its legal system to reflect the changes in the global economic landscape and maintain its competitive edge as a centre of business. It is a thorough process that will fulfil specific conditions and requires a lot of time, research and consensus among all parties involved," said Sultan Saeed Al Mansouri, Minister of Economy.

Various other ministries and federal agencies are involved in drafting the laws, with the Ministry of Economy being responsible for specific stages and preparations in the process.

The Ministry has already prepared the competition law, which has been finalised by the Ministerial Legal Committee and will now be send to the Cabinet. This law will encourage competition and will reduce monopoly practices in line with the recommendations of the World Trade Organisation. The Certificate of Origin law aims to re-organise legislation related to Certificates of Origin in order to specify the origin of the commodity. The Ministry has also finalised the draft of the Arbitration law in cooperation with a group of legal experts from the Abu Dhabi Arbitration Centre. The Industry law will develop the performance of the industrial sector and will stipulate plans to encourage small and medium industries and enhance the quality of products. It will work to protect UAE products from harmful practices like dumping.

The amendments to the Industrial Ownership law prove the UAE's commitment towards the International Intellectual Property Rights Organisation. The amendments included seven new articles to protect planning designs of integrated departments and six articles to protect non disclosed information.


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